sauce Sweet Sage Cream Sauce A creamy sauce enriched with herbs, perfect for pasta or drizzling over vegetables.
easy Tangy Tuna Black Bean Quesadillas Delicious quesadillas filled with tuna, black beans, corn, and cheese, perfect for a quick meal.
quick Taco Tuesday Casserole A delicious taco casserole layered with tortillas, seasoned beef, cheese, and toppings, perfect for a family dinner night.
Meatballs Sweet and Sour Meatballs A delicious, easy recipe for sweet and sour meatballs served with a homemade sauce.
cocktail Tequila Sunrise A simple and refreshing cocktail made with tequila, orange juice, and grenadine.
seafood Sweet and Spicy Shrimps A delicious shrimp dish marinated in a savory and spicy sauce, ready to impress your guests!
breakfast Sweet Banana Almond Oatmeal A quick and easy oatmeal recipe enriched with banana and almond flavors, perfect for breakfast.
appetizer Stuffed Mushrooms Delicious stuffed mushrooms filled with ground beef and topped with chili powder, perfect as an appetizer or a side dish.
appetizer Stuffed Mini Peppers Delicious mini peppers stuffed with a creamy cheese mix, perfect as an appetizer or snack.
quick Spicy Baked Shrimp A delicious spicy baked shrimp recipe that’s quick and easy to prepare, perfect for a weeknight dinner.
seafood Spicy Shrimp Cakes Delicious shrimp cakes seasoned with garlic and spices, perfect for a meal or appetizer.
appetizer Spinach Rolls with Puff Pastry Delicious spinach rolls filled with feta cheese and wrapped in flaky puff pastry, perfect for appetizers or snacks.